



        销货:    sales; merchandise sales
        利润:    profit
        销货利润率:    rate of return on sales
        销货利润率, 销货报酬率:    rate of return on sales
        存货利润:    inventory profit
        公司内部存货利润准备:    reserve for intra-company pro-fitin inventories
        分期收款销货递延利润:    deferred profit on installment sales; deferred profit on instalment sales
        目标利润所需的销货额:    sales needed for target profit
        销货:    sales; merchandise sales◇销货比率 ratio of sales; 销货成本 cost of goods sold; cost of sales; cost of goods sales; 销货单 sales slip; 销货定单 sales order; 销货发票 invoice for sale; 销货费用 selling expenses; 销货合同 sales contract; 销货净利 net profit on sales; 销货款 money taken in for sold commodities; 销货利润 selling profits; 销货凭证 sales voucher; 销货确认书 confirmative sale note; 销货 [销售]收入 income from sales of products; proceeds of sale; 销货收益 sales income; 销货退回 sales returns; 销货限额 sales quotas; 销货帐 account sales; account of goods sold; 销货折扣 sales discount; 销货折让 sales discounts and allowances; allowance on sales; 销货总成本 gross cost of merchandise sold; 销货总额 gross sales
        利润:    profit 超额利润 superprofit; 企业的利润留成收入 portion of the profits kept by the enterprises for their own use; 税前利润 pre-tax profits; 上交利润 profit turned in to the state; that part of the profit turned over to the state; 这个行业利润不大。 the profits in this business are not large.; 利润包干额 fixed profit quotas; 利润保险 profit insurance; 利润差额 profit gap; 利润定额 profit quota; 利润额 amount of profit; 利润分成 profit-sharing; 利润分成制 profit-sharing system; 利润分配 appropriation of profits; distribution of profits; 利润分享有价证券 profit sharing securities; 利润分享预测 earnings per share forecasting; 利润还原资本 capitalized profits; 利润汇回本国 repatriation of profits; 利润计划 profit-planning; 利润计量 profit measurement; 利润税 profits tax; 利润损失保险 loss of profits insurance; 利润缩减 profit squeeze; 利润再投资 reinvested earnings; reinvested profits; plough back; 利润指标 profit norm; profit index; 利润 (分配)准备 profit reserve
        交货利息通知:    declaration of interest in delivery
        期货利率协议:    future rate agreement
        销货帐,销货:    account sales
        畅销货:    action item; articles in great demand; best seller; demand items; excellent seller; fast-moving goods; faster-moving items; goods that sell well; marketable goods; marketable products; products with a good market; off-the-shelf; quick selling line; quick-selling line; salable goods; saleable articles
        外销货:    export goods
        销货(货):    sales
        销货,行销:    sell goods
        销货薄:    sales book
        销货簿:    sale book; sales book; sales journal
        销货部:    sales department
        销货单:    sales slip
        销货点:    point of sale
        销货额:    realised amounts; sales quotas
        销货款:    money taken in for sold commodities
        销货帐:    account of sales; account sales; invoice book outward; merchandise sales account; sales ledger; sold ledger


  1. "销货客户分类帐"英文
  2. "销货客户应收帐款"英文
  3. "销货扣除额"英文
  4. "销货款"英文
  5. "销货款回笼"英文
  6. "销货利润率"英文
  7. "销货利润率, 销货报酬率"英文
  8. "销货毛利"英文
  9. "销货毛利变动计算表"英文
  10. "销货毛利差异"英文


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