

  • level of sales hypothesis
  • 销售:    sell; market; marketing
  • 水准:    level; standard
  • 假设:    suppose; assume; grant; pres ...
  • 准假:    a.w.l. absent with leave; take french leave = french. leave of absence permission to be absent
  • 保本经营的销售水平:    break-even sales level


        销售:    sell; market; marketing
        水准:    level; standard
        假设:    suppose; assume; grant; pres ...
        准假:    a.w.l. absent with leave; take french leave = french. leave of absence permission to be absent
        保本经营的销售水平:    break-even sales level
        不赔不赚的销售水平:    break even sales level
        销售额最大化假设:    sales maximization hypothesis
        假设的最大销售趋向:    assumed maximum market trend
        假设的最小销售趋向:    assumed minimum market trend
        假设:    1.(假使; 假定) suppose; assume; grant; presume; ansatz; guess; assumption; postulation; supposition 假设一种说法是正确的 assume a statement to be correct; 我们假设这消息是正确的。 let us suppose (that) the news is true.2.(科学研究上对客观事物的假定的说明; 假设) hypothesis 科学假设 a scientific hypothesis
        水准:    standard; level 高[低]于一般水准 above [below] average; 水准标尺 [地测] levelling staff; 水准测定装置 levelling set; 水准点 [工业] bench mark (bm); 水准经纬仪 level-theodolite; 水准面 water level; level surface; level plane; 水准器 water level; spirit level; 水准仪 level; spirit-level; surveyor's level; levelling instrument
        单位准假信:    approving letters for vacation
        我的准假信:    my employment certificate and leave agreement and the copy
        照顾性准假:    compassionate leave
        准假离职:    awl || absentwith leave
        准假停薪:    unpaid leave
        获准假释在外:    be on ticket-of-leave
        销售:    sell; market; marketing◇销售部门 sales departments; marketing agencies; 销售产品 sell goods; market products; distribute export products on foreign market; 销售成本 selling cost; cost of marketing; 销售代理商 sales agent; 销售代理业务 sales commission; 销售淡季 period of slack sales; 销售定单 sales order; 销售费用 selling expenses;销售价 selling price; 销售量 sales volume; 销售模型 marketing model; 销售潜力 sales potential; 销售确认书 sales confirmation; 销售日记帐 sales journal; 销售税 sales tax; 销售网点 commercial networks; 销售危机 selling crisis; 销售现金 sales dollar; 销售业务 selling operation; 销售站 sales place; 销售证 bill of sale; 销售总额 aggregate sales of commodities; gross sales; 销售总值 total value of sales
        原假设(零假设):    null hypothesis
        barker假设:    barker hypothesis
        u假设:    u hypothesis
        附加 假设:    additive postulate
        假定,假设:    assume
        假设, 万一:    in case of
        假设,承担:    assume


  1. "销售数量差异"英文
  2. "销售数量贡献毛益差异"英文
  3. "销售数量和广告"英文
  4. "销售数量利润差异"英文
  5. "销售数字"英文
  6. "销售税"英文
  7. "销售税,营业税"英文
  8. "销售税结构"英文
  9. "销售税金"英文
  10. "销售税金及附加"英文


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