链: chain中: hit; fit exactly第一: first; primary; foremost; fi ...单元: unit; unit element; cell; lo ...链首, 链中第一: first-in-chain链中第一请求应答单元: first-in-chain链中第一元素: first element of chain链中唯一单元: only element in-chain; only element of chain; only in chain; only-element-of-chain; only-in-chain; only-of-chain第一单元: ne general rules of writing chinese and english official documents; the first unit= unit one; unit one command; unit one complaint; unit one form of bid; unit one letters of invitation; unit one pacts; unit one summary第一单元 公约: unit one pacts第一单元 总结: unit one summary第一单元 起诉状: unit one complaint第一单元 投标书: unit one form of bid英语第一单元: talk about people第一单元开幕词: unit one opening speech第二学期英语第一单元: module 1 -module 2三年级英语第一单元: welcome back to school四年级英语第一单元: our school链中间单元: middle-in-chain; middle-of-chain唯一单元: only element第一单轮: first round第一单面: first-order pedion立中第一高中: national taichung first senior high school四个为一单元: four队中第一吉他手: the lead guitarist of the group