Galactic nebulas are masses of diffuse material within our galaxy . 银河星云是我们星系中的一团团弥散物。
When it is examined with a telescope, the milky way is an unforgettable sight . 借助于一架望远镜观察银河时,那是一副令人难以忘怀的奇观。
The milky way will look like a hazy, cloud-like, irregular band across the sky . 银河看来就象一条横在天空的、模糊的、不规则的、云雾状的带子。
Astronomers usually assume that interstellar dust is closely confined to the galactic plane . 天文学家通常认为,恒星际星尘都是紧靠着银河平面的。
Some celestial bodies similar to galactic nebulas but without any luminosity sometimes reveal their presence as dark patches obscuring the light of stars beyond them . 某些与银河星云相似但不发光的天体,有时看来象块黑色补丁,遮住了周围的星光。