铜: copper砂金石: aventurine砂金石: [矿物学] aventurine绿色砂金石: sanderesos&砂金石化: aventurization砂金石闪光: aventurescence金星玻璃,砂金石: aventurine绿色砂金石英: chrysoquartz砂金石金星石: gold fluss印度玉砂金石: indian jade科罗拉多砂金石: colorado goldstone金星玻璃;砂金石;有金星的: aventurine砂金: gulch-gold金石: 1.[书面语] (金属和石头, 比喻坚硬的东西) metal and stone -- a symbol of hardness and strength2.(铜器、石碑上的铭刻) inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets◇金石学 the study of inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets; epigraphy铜砂岩: co ersandstone; copper sandstone含铜砂岩: copper sandstone; cupreous sandstone; cuprous sandstone砂金矿: gravel mine; placer mine; gravelmine◇砂金矿挖掘船开采 gold dredging砂金釉: gold stone glaze冲积砂金: greda风成砂金矿: eolian gold placer干砂金矿: dry placer金星釉;砂金釉: aventurine glaze砂金水晶: aventurine砂金釉;金星釉: gold stone glaze细粒砂金矿: flour gold