铈: cerium的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...高铈的: ceric高铈的, 四价铈的: ceric四价铈的: ceric铈的, 似蜡的: cerous铈的高压形态: high pressure form of ceriumce =cerium 【化学】元素铈的符号。: ce铈镧合金, 含铈的稀土元素合金: cerium mischmetal铈处理铸铁: cerium-treated cast iron铈玻璃: cerium glass铈: 名词[化学] (金属元素) cerium (ce)铈滴定: cerimetric titration; cerimetry铄石流金: heat intense enough to melt stone and metals; heat that could smelt metals and calcine stones; intense heat enough to melt stone and metals; the blazing sun was hot enough to melt the gold in the quartz.; (hot enough to) make rocks and metals melt-sweltering铈滴定法: cerate oxidimetry; cerimetry铄: Ⅰ动词[书面语]1.(熔化) melt (metal, etc.)2.(耗损; 削弱) waste away; weakenⅡ形容词(光亮) bright