The "flashar" incorporates a platinum pellet . “弗来萨”备有铂模板。
The united states was vulnerable to shortages of chrome, bauxite, and platinum . 美国的弱点是缺少铬、矾土和铂。
A thermocouple made of platinum/platinum rhodium provides the accurate temperature sensing . 由铂或铂铑组成的热电偶给出精确的温度指示。
A displacement of the platinum electrical contacts of some 0.05 cm in any horizontal direction will start the recording cycle . 只要铂白金电触点沿任何水平方向移动大约0.05厘米,便可起动记录器运转。
A tawdry scarf of yellow silk, trimmed with tinsel and spangles, which had seen as hard service, and boasted as honorable a transmission . 一块花哨而俗气的黄色丝披巾,边上缀着金银线和亮闪闪的铂片,原来是用旧了作为一种恩赐赏下来的。