The two great ruffians sprang up, and, grasping the long pincers, plunged them into the heart of the fire . 这两个高大凶狠的汉子跳起来,抓住那两把大铁钳,塞进了火堆中心。
My balls , excuse my french , are in an iron vice 请原谅我语言粗俗我的睾丸彷佛被铁钳夹住了
She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generousity added to love 她拿出海烫发铁钳,点起煤气,开始补救由于爱情加上慷慨而造成的灾害。
I would fain have spoken to her , but my hand was held by a grasp of iron : i was hurried along by a stride i could hardly follow ; and to look at mr . rochester s face was to feel that not a second of delay would be tolerated for any purpose 我本想同她说话,但我的手被铁钳似地捏住了,让我几乎跟不住的脚步把我匆匆推向前去。一看罗切斯特先生的脸我就觉得,不管什么原因,再拖一秒钟他都不能忍耐了。
In truth it was humble - but then it was sheltered , and i wanted a safe asylum : it was plodding - but then , compared with that of a governess in a rich house , it was independent ; and the fear of servitude with strangers entered my soul like iron : it was not ignoble - not unworthy - not mentally degrading 说实在,这工作很低下但提供了住所,而我需要一个安全的避难所。这工作沉闷乏味一但比之富人家庭的女教师,它却是无拘无束的。而替陌生人操劳的恐惧象铁钳一样夹住了我的心。
铁: iron钳: pincers; pliers; tongs大铁钳: grampus钉钳;铁钳: pincers铁钳;钉钳: pincers铁钳坑: tit kim hang钳子 有齿镊 螯 铁钳: pincers用钳子把烧红的铁钳住: grip a piece of red hot iron with a pair of tongs2铁钱莲苷: clematitol铁铅锍: iron lead matte; iron-lead matte铁浅黄: ironbuff铁铅酸钙: calcium ferroaluminates铁浅闪石: ferroedenite铁铅球: cast-iron shot铁枪: iron lance铁铅榴石: almandine