



        :    iron
        :    timber
        腐蚀:    corrode; corrosion; corrodin ...
        老朽铁材腐蚀钉松病:    iron sick
        钢材腐蚀:    corrosion of steel
        心材腐蚀:    heart wood-rot; heart-wood-rot
        铁材仓:    sheet metal warehouse -raw materials
        边材腐烂:    sapwood rot
        边材腐朽:    sap rot
        边材腐朽病:    false sapwood
        木材腐烂:    doze; wood decay
        木材腐朽:    foxiness; rot of wood
        木材腐朽菌:    wood decomposing fungi; wood-decaying fungus
        心材腐朽:    heart-wood rot
        非铁材料:    non ferrous material; nonferrous materials; nonferrous material
        钢铁材料:    ferrous material
        含铁材料:    ferrous material
        铁材零件:    sheet metal parts
        一箱铁材:    shipment of iron
        腐蚀:    1.(通过化学作用使物体逐渐消损破坏) corrode; corrosion; corroding; deep etch; diabrosis; rot; eat off; etch; etching; pitting 金属的腐蚀 corrosion of metal; 腐蚀到所需频率 etching to frequency; 如果不涂油或保持清洁铁便会腐蚀。 iron corrodes unless it is greased or kept clean. 有些窃贼用汞水腐蚀他们的镣铐。 some thieves have eaten off their irons with mercury water.2.(使思想行为逐渐变质堕落) deprave; corrupt 腐蚀干部 corrupt the cadres; 拒腐蚀, 永不沾。 be immune from crruption. 黄色电影腐蚀人们的灵魂。 blue cinema corrupts the souls of people
        横向铁材质量:    cross shipiron mass; thwartships iron mass
        金星铁材公司:    kum sung steel co., ltd
        纵向铁材质量:    fore-and-aftiron mass
        腐蚀剂;腐蚀的:    pyrotic
        氨腐蚀:    ammonia corrosion; corrosion by ammonia


  1. "铁不磨生锈,水不流发臭"英文
  2. "铁布克山"英文
  3. "铁布杉"英文
  4. "铁布衫"英文
  5. "铁材仓"英文
  6. "铁材料之使表面硬化, 表面淬火"英文
  7. "铁材零件"英文
  8. "铁蚕豆"英文
  9. "铁藏"英文
  10. "铁槽"英文


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