铁: iron制: make; manufacture的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...框架: frame; framing; shell frame; ...密封的框架: wiping blade无铰的框架: no hinged frame钢铁制的: steely铁制的工具: tool made of iron铁制的锅钩: hangle用铸铁制的: cast iron被删除的框架: suppressed frame活字版的框架: chase 3建筑物的框架: the frame of a building椭圆形的框架: oval frame按成果制订的框架: results-based framework裁军谈判的框架: rahmen m. der abrüstungsverhandlungen窗帘上部的框架: valance从属和上级的框架: subordinate and superordinate frame带实腹横梁的框架: girder bent盖有树枝的框架: bushharrow可随时拆卸的框架: knock-down carcass面向方面的框架: aspect-oriented framewor面向目标的框架: object-oriented framework十字形横梁的框架: cruciform frame五个不同的框架: five different frameworks