钻井: borehole; well drilling容易: easy; ready钻: drill; auger弯: curved; bent; crooked; flexu ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...地区: area; district; region钻弯的井: crooked well钻弯的井眼: crooked hole容易产生山体滑坡的地区。: slide area在河水拐弯的地方: the river bend北方的地区: the northern region frontier climate超收的地区: localities that have excess revenues附近的地区: vicinage离弃的地区: derelict areas邻近的地区: neighbourhood内陆的地区: inland areas towns waterways etc幸运的地区: lucky zone指定的地区: country of destination中立的地区: zone of neutrality容易受灾地区: disaster-prone area弯的: arched; arcuated; bent; curved; kneed井容量: capacity of well容易塌陷的地面: unstable soil被破坏的地区: ravaged area被淹没的地区: inundated area