

  • uncinate visual fields


        钩形:    hook-type; hooked
        视野:    field of vision not in power ...
        反向钩形视野:    inverted uncinate visual fields
        形视野:    form visual field
        半球形视野:    hemispherical coverage
        弧形视野计:    arc perimeter
        螺旋形视野:    spiral field; spiral visual field
        筛形视野:    cribriform field of vision; cribriform visual field
        半球形视野计:    hemi herical perimeter; hemispherical perimeter
        扇形视野缺损:    defect sector of visual field; sector defect of field vision
        图形视野检查:    pattern form perimetry
        图形视野检查法:    pattern form perimetry
        弧形视野计斜视测量:    arc perimeter strabismometry
        弧形视野计斜视测量法:    arc perimeter strabismometry
        钩形:    hook-type; hooked◇钩形扳手 claw wrench; hook key; hook spanner; hookwrench; 钩形刀具 hook tool
        视野:    visual field; field; field of vision; scan; ken; horizon 视野狭窄 tunnel vision; 视野开阔 wide (field of) vision; 在某人的视野之内 within sb.'s ken; 一个企业家应具有开阔的视野。 an enterpriser should have the wide vision. 哲学课使学生们打开了新的视野。 the course in philosophy opened up new horizons for the students
        变形视:    anorthopia
        钩形坝:    hooked giron; hooked groin
        钩形鼻:    beaked nose; nasus aduncus
        钩形的:    beaked; hook-shaped; hooked
        钩形谷:    hook valley
        钩形棍:    hook stick
        钩形环:    napier ring
        钩形剪:    hooked sci ors; hooked scissors
        钩形突:    genital hook; hamulus


  1. "钩形锚具"英文
  2. "钩形嵌接"英文
  3. "钩形切口"英文
  4. "钩形沙咀"英文
  5. "钩形沙嘴"英文
  6. "钩形双扇闸门"英文
  7. "钩形水尺"英文
  8. "钩形水位计"英文
  9. "钩形梭菌"英文
  10. "钩形挑流鼻坎"英文


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