

发音:   用"钢轨焊接"造句


  1. The rail welding technique of high - speed railway
  2. The welding of the steel rail is a key technology in express railway ' s laying process
  3. This paper discusses the applicable ranges of current welding long rail techniques under various construction circumstances of urban rail transit project , and holds that the engineering scheme of the welded - rail site , the viaduct welded site and the utilization of mobile touch - weld vehicle shall be adopted
  4. According to the engineering experiences obtained from the laying of a jointless track of high - speed communication line - line 3 in dalian city , this paper introduces in general the laying technology , particularly the long rail welding , the construction site welding , seamless track spreading and trak controller laying , and discusses problems often occuring in long rail wedling and seamless track laying
  5. Based on the construction of guangzhou metro line 3 welding process and quality control , this paper introduces the mobile contact welding , analyzes some key points during the process of welding , such as welding of rails in curved sections , environmental protection , the measurement of straightness on the welding junctions located in curved sections , the maintenances of equipment etc . , holds that more attention shall be given to these points


        钢轨:    rail; metals; steel rail; ra ...
        焊接:    weld; welding; soldering; se ...
        钢轨焊接车:    rail welding car
        钢轨焊接用铝热剂:    rail thermit
        钢轨焊补:    resurfacing of rail
        钢轨焊缝:    rail welding seam
        路轨焊接:    track welding
        环缝自动导轨焊接:    orbital welding
        焊接长钢轨:    ribbon rails; welded long rail
        钢轨接头焊接:    bond weld
        钢轨铸焊接头:    cast-welded rail joint
        连续焊接钢轨:    continuous welded rail
        焊接长钢轨运送车:    welding long rails transport car
        焊接式钢轨接续线:    welded bond
        无缝线路, 焊接钢轨:    welded rails
        焊接长钢轨的伸缩调节器:    expansion device for continuously welded rail
        钢轨:    rail; metals; steel rail; railroad rail◇钢轨间隙 dilatation joint; 钢轨联接板 joint bar; splice bar; 钢轨起重器 track (rail) jack; 钢轨牵板 tie plate; 钢轨钳 rail tongs; 钢轨探伤车 rail-defect detector car; 钢轨探伤器 rail-defect detector; 钢轨探伤仪 rail flaw detector
        焊接:    weld; welding; soldering; seal; sealing; sealing-in; shutting together 电弧焊接 (electric) arc welding; 焊接材料 welding material; 焊接操作 welding operation; 焊接车间 welding shop; 焊接点 point of weld; soldering point; pad; 焊接电极 [冶金学] welding electrode; 焊接电流 [电工] welding current; 焊接电源 source of welding current; welding source; 焊接方法 welding method; 焊接缝 flog; soldering joint; 焊接工 weldor; 焊接工艺 bonding technology; 焊接机 bonding machine; soldering machine; 焊接检查 welding inspection; 焊接件 weldment; 焊接强度 weld strength; 焊接缺陷 weld defect; 焊接熔池 welding pool; 焊接深度 depth of weld; 焊接温度 welding temperature; 焊接质量 welding quality
        t形钢轨:    trail; tee rail
        长钢轨:    longer rail
        废钢轨:    rail scrap
        钢轨钢:    rail steel
        钢轨锯:    rail saw
        钢轨梁:    rail beam
        钢轨钳:    rail tongs


  1. "钢轨灌注料"英文
  2. "钢轨规格"英文
  3. "钢轨滚轨机"英文
  4. "钢轨焊补"英文
  5. "钢轨焊缝"英文
  6. "钢轨焊接车"英文
  7. "钢轨焊接用铝热剂"英文
  8. "钢轨和线路构件"英文
  9. "钢轨滑道"英文
  10. "钢轨基础模量"英文


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