钢: sharpen; strop; whet的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...软化: soften; bate; bating能谱的软化: spectrum degradation肉的软化剂: tenderer水的软化: demineralization of water; ion-product constant of water; mitigation; softening of water; softeningofwater; water softening水的软化剂: water softener栓剂的软化点: softening point of suppository水的软化处理: water conditioning水的软化设备: water demineralization plant几何图形的软化: geometrical softening玻璃的软化点的试验方法: standard test method for softening point of glass钢的: steel软化: 1.(由硬变软) soften; [皮革] bate; bating 使硬水软化 soften hard water; 塑料适当加热就可以软化。 plastics will soften when exposed to heat.2.(由坚定变为动摇) win over by soft tactics 敌人的高压和软化政策都失败了。 the enemy resorted to both tough and soft tactics, but succeeded in neither.3.(由倔强变成顺从) soften up; become compliant 态度软化。 one's attitude has softened半钢的: half steely; semisteel包钢的: steel clad; steel-clad衬钢的: steel lined; steel-lined镀钢的: steel plating覆钢的: steel clad全钢的: all steel; all-steel construction似钢的: steel型钢的: open bevel铸钢的: steel-cast软化剂;软化器: mollifier软化器;软化剂: softener