They may also have a pertocalcic horizon , a fragipan or a duripan 也可能有一层石化钙积层,脆磐或硬磐。
Caco3 not only affects soil physical and chemical characteristics but also causes co2 change in the air , because caco3 is main components among the total pool of inorganic carbon of soil . this paper systematically summarized and analyzed general development characteristics of soil profile caco3 in loess hill gully area including source , content , forming - condition , distribution and illuviation - depth of caco3 , which will have the most important significance for the further studies on global soil and climate change 碳酸钙在土壤剖面中淀积的深度和类型是黄土高原土壤发育的重要标志,钙积层是黄土高原土壤发育环境的历史信息库,同时土壤碳酸钙作为土壤无机碳库重要组成,它通过溶蚀后再结晶与大气co _ 2之间进行物质交流来影响全球气候变化。