Chapter 6 is the conclusion of this paper 金融深化理论是贯穿全文的理论核心。
After all , whether financial deepening theory is applicable in china . the utilizing of this theory in china is the level and the sequential step only 那么金融深化理论到底适不适用于我国,该理论在我国的运用是否只是程度和顺序的问题
The study of the financial reform in our country and that of financial deepening theory are seemingly two parallel lines are hardly related to each other 我国的金融改革与金融深化理论的研究似乎只是两条平行直线,相互之间没有多少联系。
The reasoning is as following aspects : firstly , on the base of the financial deepen theory it will point out that china ought to set up 对于此观点的论证主要从以下几个方面完成:首先以金融深化理论为支点论述中国应该建立审慎性的金融监管法律制度。
On the other hand , in the theory area , r . mckinnon ' s finance oppressing and shaw ' s finance deepening theory has always been the center after the second world war 同时在开发金融理论领域内,战后一直以麦金龙、肖的金融压制和金融深化理论为中心展开。