The nobel prize in physics 2003 : vitaly l . ginzburg 诺贝尔物理学奖-维塔利金茨堡
2003 vitaly l . ginzburg russia 2003年维塔利金茨堡俄罗斯
In 1982 the gold ring - of - honour was awarded by the german society of engineers ( vdi ) . in 1986 he received the distinguished foreign collegue award from the human factor society . in 1991 he became an honorary doctor at the university of novi sad and in the same year an honorary professor at the university of science and technology of china in hefei 获得的主要荣誉:高校制造技术奥托金茨勒纪念章、德国工程师协会荣誉金环、 1991年大学名誉博士、 1991年中国科技大学名誉教授、 1995年阿图尔布尔克哈特奖、 1998年获得联邦德国科学、经济和社会杰出贡献联邦十字勋章。