金属材料: metal material; metallic mat ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...其他: other; else试验: experiment; test; trial方法: method; means; way; techniqu ...金属材料的试验方法: the method of metal i ection; the method of metal inspection金属材料的针型承载试验方法: standard test method for pin-type bearing test of metallic materials船用金属材料电偶腐蚀试验方法: the method of galvanic corrosion test for metallic shi materials金属材料电阻应变灵敏系数试验方法: metals - testing method for sensitivity of electrical resistance strain金属材料滚动接触疲劳试验方法: metallic materials - rolling contact fatigue test金属材料裂纹尖端张开位移试验方法: test method for crack-tiopening displacement measurement of metallic materials烧结金属材料冲击试验方法: sintered metals materials excluding hardmetals-impact text method金属材料的性能及试验: properties & testing of metal; properties &am testing of metal金属与非金属材料光谱法向发射率试验方法: test method for normal spectral emittance of metals and nonmetallic meterials金属与非金属材料全法向发射率试验方法: test method for total normal emittance of metals and nonmetallic materials金属材料试验: testing of metals其他试验: other tests非金属材料试验机: nonmetallic material testing machine金属材料力学试验: mechanical testing of metals金属材料试验机: metal material testing machine; metallic material testing machine; metallurgical automation金属材料试验综合: testing of metals in general非金属材料的电阻测试: electric resistance of non-metallic materials难加工金属材料的切削: machining of difficult-to-cut metals材料试验方法: method of testing materials测量绝热材料的压缩性的试验方法: standard test method for measuring compressive properties of thermal insulations