Body fat analizer for easy control at total privacy ?量度标准脂肪含量
Answer given by mrs . nguyn th hng h sub - department of standardization - metrology and quality control 质量量度标准支局-阮氏红霞女士nguyen thi hong ha答
When these pressures are sustained , as they have been , core measures will under - represent true inflation 如果这些压力像已表现出来的一样持续下去,核心量度标准将不能充分代表真正的通货膨胀。
4 calibration recall a system for indicating in advance the date for each measuring and test equipment device and each measurement standard is next due to be calibrated 调校提示一个预先? #示出每部量度及测试仪器,以及量度标准下次调校日期的系统。
Although the government has not clearly defined who belong to the lower middle class and below , it has taken household expenditure as the yardstick in calculating allowable expenditure 虽然政府没有明确订明那些是属于中低阶层及以下的人士,但已采用住户支出作为计算开支豁免额的量度标准。