- quantasome
- 量子: quantum; gion
- 体: body; part of the body
- 光能转化体,量子体: quantasome
- 量子: quantum; gion 光量子 light quantum; 量子场 quantum field; 量子场论 [量子] quantized field theory; quantum field theory; 量子电动力学 [物理学] quantum electrodynamics; 量子电子学 [电子学] quantum electronics; 量子定律 quantum law; 量子辐射 quantum radiation; 量子干涉仪 quantum inteferometer; 量子光学 quantum optics; 量子化学 [物理化学] quantum chemistry; 量子计数器 [电学] quantum counter; 量子晶体 quantum crystal; 量子流体 quantum fluid; 量子流体动力学 [低温] quantum hydrodynamics; 量子论 [物理学] planck's theory; quantum theory; 量子能 quantum energy; 量子生物化学 quantum biochemistry; 量子生物学 quantum biology; 量子声学 quantum acoustics; 量子释放 quantum release; 量子探测器 [物理学] quantum detector; 量子统计学[统力] quantum statistics; 量子物理学 quantum physics; 量子引力动力学 quantum gravitational dynamics; 量子有机化学 quantum organic chemistry
- 子体: daughter; radioactive decay product