野性: ferity; wild nature; unrulin ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...野性的呼: the call of the wild野性的呼唤: the call of the wild: dog of the yukon野性的苦闷: susuz yaz野性的思维: the savage mind野性的证明: yasei no shomei野性的邂逅: dream killer兔-野性的斗牌: stylish mahjong变成野性的家畜: scrubber野性: ferity; wild nature; unruliness; untamed 野性难驯 untamable; the wild nature is hard to tame和野性: wild野性地: haggardness野性牛: cowbrute野性爪: i03v唤醒野性: savagery野性褒奖: praise of the untamed野性变身: wild shape野性独眼: untamed cyclocyclop_untamed野性非洲: wild africa野性呼喊: howl of the untamed野性护符: talisman of the wild野性护身符: wild野性精魂: untamed spirit野性眷顾: favour of the untamed