野兽: wild beast; wild animal; sav ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...真心: wholehearted; heartfelt; sin ...野兽的: bestial(野兽的)足迹: spoor如野兽的: brutish似野兽的: bestial野兽的奶头: dugs你的真心: underneath your clothes我的真心: the shape of my heart展现我的真心: shape of my heart美女与野兽的故事: beauty and the beast你的真心在哪里: where is your heart就足以证明朋友的真心: that proves a friend indeed每个人都知道你的真心: everybody know that you really do让我展示给你我的真心: now let me show you the shape of my heart手捧我的真心站在台阶上: to stand on the steps with my heart in my hand说的真心话, 是认真说的: mean what one says真心: wholehearted; heartfelt; sincere; true intention; sincerity 真心话 sincere words; 真心拥护 give wholehearted support to; 真心悔改 sincerely repent and earnestly reform oneself; 真心行善 cast [throw] one's bread upon the water(s) 野兽: wild beast; wild animal; savage什么都没说,把我的真心丢在脑后: leaving nothing but my heart behind(兽的)臂部: rump母兽的: maternal如兽的: beastly真心的: cordial; heartfelt; open-armed; serious