

发音:   用"重要活动"造句


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  1. Some of the major gnu linux events coming up this year
    Infodrom上则有一份今年gnu linux重要活动
  2. Major events such as trade fairs attract a significant number
  3. Press releases and events
  4. Even the carefully organized activities can not be ensured to be held on time
  5. We plan to launch this promotion with major evening events in each of our stores


        重要:    important; significant; majo ...
        活动:    move about; exercise
        有重要活动的夜晚。:    field night
        不需要活动:    nar; no action required
        主要活动:    main activity; primary activity
        不必要活动的安排:    make work
        不需要活动,不需行动:    no action required
        主要活动的种类:    main kinds of activities
        初始的主要活动权标指定:    initial major active token assignment
        主要活动包括一些专题的兴趣小组:    sigs special interesting groups
        要活著:    wanna live
        要活着:    wanna live
        活动对专案是非常的重要:    criticalactivities
        重要:    important; significant; major 头等重要 of capital [leading] importance: 越来越重要 increase [grow] in importance; 人品最为重要。 character is of sovereign importance. 这是非常重要的事情。 this is a matter of cardinal significance. 大会对于重要问题的决定, 应由出席并参加表决的会员国2/3多数决定。 decisions of the general assembly on important questions shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting.; 重要关头 critical juncture; crucial moment; 重要器官 vitals; 重要人物 important figure; prominent personage; very important person; vip; 重要任务 vital task; important mission; 重要因素 key factor; 重要原则 cardinal principle; 重要政策 major policy
        我要活下去:    i want to live on; life for living; survivor; we want to live
        我也要活着:    i will survive
        要死要活:    desperate
        脑功能活动的重要检测技术:    important techenics for testing brain activities
        适于消费者偏好的推销活动的重要性:    significance of selling activities for consumer preference
        必要活到永远:    will live
        要死还是要活:    live
        主要活性成分:    active constituents
        活动:    1.(运动) move about; exercise 活动筋骨 move muscles in exercise or work; 出去活动活动。 go out and stretch your limbs.2.(动摇) shaky; unsteady 这把椅子活动了。 the chair is shaky. 这个螺丝活动了。 this screw is loose.3.(不固定) movable; mobile; flexible 活动坝 movable dam; 活动房屋 prefabricated house4.(为达到某种目的而采取的行动) activity; maneuver 各种活动 various activities; 政治活动 potilical activities5.(说情) use personal influence or irregular means 替他活动活动 put in a word for him; use one's influence on his behalf6.[心] behaviour; 活动靶 [军事] bombing bug; maneuvering target; 活动坝 movable dam; 活动板牙 adjustable die; 活动半径 action radius; 活动挡板 sideboard (车辆的); 活动范围 sphere of activities; scope of operation; 活动方式 manner; 活动房屋 movable dwellings; 活动家 activist; public figure; 活动楼梯 folding stair; 活动炉底 movable bottom; 活动码头 wharf boat; 活动木偶 kinemins; 活动平台 mobile unit; 活动铅笔 propelling pencil; 活动桥 [工业] movable bridge; traversing bridge; 活动舞台 riser; revolving stage; 活动资本 liquid capital
        生命要活得有意义:    live a life that matters
        唯一的爱 -我们要活着:    one love - gotta stay alive


  1. "重要海上保险商"英文
  2. "重要航路"英文
  3. "重要患者"英文
  4. "重要会计原则及有关原则概述"英文
  5. "重要会议"英文
  6. "重要货物"英文
  7. "重要基础设施工作组"英文
  8. "重要基地"英文
  9. "重要机构一览表"英文
  10. "重要机具"英文


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