重度: severe; serious残疾: physical disability; deformi ...严重: serious; grave; grievous; cr ...极重度残疾: severely and profoundly handicapped轻度残疾: slight disability持久性严重残疾,持久性残障: persistent handicap欧洲严重残疾者身份证: european identity card for severely disabled persons神经缺陷,神经严重残疾: neurologically handicapped永久性严重残疾,终生残障: permanent handicap重度躯体残疾: severe physical disability残疾: physical disability; deformity 他的残疾使他完全失去了从事他的职业的能力。 his deformity totally disabled him from following his vocation.; 残疾儿童 handicapped child重度暂时性残疾: severe temporary disability严重度: disease severity; iss; severity残疾,障碍: handicap残疾;无能: disability残疾的: disabled残疾儿: crippled child残疾年: iydp残疾人: deformed man; deformity; disabled individuals; disabled people; the physically handicapped; the disabled 中国红十字会慷慨捐赠一笔巨款以救济残疾人。 the chinese red cross contributed a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled.; 残疾人协会 association for the handicapped残疾手: crippled hand残疾者: crippled; disabled person; handicapped person有残疾: too shy狗腿严重度: dls; dog-leg severity疾病严重度: illness severity; severity of illness磨损严重度: wear severity