

  • duplication
  • 重复:    repeat; duplicate; reduplica ...
  • 重叠:    one on top of another; overl ...
  • 重叠:    1.(一层层堆积) one on top of another; overlapping 山峦重叠 range upon range of mountains; 精简重叠的行政机构 simplify overlapping administrative organizations; 消灭人事重叠和其他浪费现象 eliminate personnel duplication and other waste; 他的访问期与我的访问期有几天重叠。 his visit and mine overlapped.2.[电学] [计算机] overlap; overlay; superimpose; superpose; [语言学] reduplication
  • 重复:    1.repeat; duplicate; reduplicate; iterate 他把那个词重复了几遍。 he repeated the word several times.2.repetition; reiteration; gemination; rerun; duplication; replication; palin-; pali- 避免不必要的重复 avoid needless duplication; 经过无数次的重复 after numerous repetitions; 任何历史现象都不会是简单的重复。 no historical phenomenon is a mere repetition of the past
  • 重叠,重叠区,重叠序列:    overlap


        重复:    repeat; duplicate; reduplica ...
        重叠:    one on top of another; overl ...
        重叠:    1.(一层层堆积) one on top of another; overlapping 山峦重叠 range upon range of mountains; 精简重叠的行政机构 simplify overlapping administrative organizations; 消灭人事重叠和其他浪费现象 eliminate personnel duplication and other waste; 他的访问期与我的访问期有几天重叠。 his visit and mine overlapped.2.[电学] [计算机] overlap; overlay; superimpose; superpose; [语言学] reduplication
        重复:    1.repeat; duplicate; reduplicate; iterate 他把那个词重复了几遍。 he repeated the word several times.2.repetition; reiteration; gemination; rerun; duplication; replication; palin-; pali- 避免不必要的重复 avoid needless duplication; 经过无数次的重复 after numerous repetitions; 任何历史现象都不会是简单的重复。 no historical phenomenon is a mere repetition of the past
        重叠,重叠区,重叠序列:    overlap
        道重叠:    trace overlap
        电重叠:    electrical overlap
        阀重叠:    valve lap; valve overlap
        峰重叠:    overlap of peaks
        覆叠、重叠:    overlay
        负重叠:    under lap
        过重叠:    lap over
        互搭;重叠:    overlap
        使重叠:    lap
        双重叠:    double stack
        正重叠:    plus lap; positive overlap
        重叠,搭位:    overlap
        重叠,覆盖:    overlapping
        重叠,交叠:    overlap
        重叠;叠加:    overlap; superposition
        重叠;交错:    over lap; overlapping
        重叠板:    lap-strake
        重叠比:    collapsing ratio; overlap ratio
        重叠冰:    superimposed ice
        重叠波:    overlapping wave


  1. "重复x线检查"英文
  2. "重复x线片"英文
  3. "重复,反复,重放"英文
  4. "重复,复发"英文
  5. "重复;复本;双重的;成对的"英文
  6. "重复安装"英文
  7. "重复按钮"英文
  8. "重复搬迁津贴"英文
  9. "重复膀胱"英文
  10. "重复保险"英文


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