

发音:   用"重复投资"造句
  • overlapping investment
  • repeated investment


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. In addition to being wasteful, duplication may be inconvenient and irritating to consumers .
  2. The effective application model can make us far away from the strange circle of overlapping investment .
    有效的运用模式,可以使我们远离重复投资的怪圈。 ”
  3. At the same time , repetitious investment and network resource are made because these three networks cannot correspond to each other
  4. Forcing greater financial discipline on soes should reduce pro - cyclical investment and thus china ' s tendency to swing from boom to bust
  5. Universal size : printing for tapes with different length can be performed only by changing plate cylinder . multi use of the machine can reduce repeated investment


        重复:    repeat; duplicate; reduplica ...
        投资:    put money in; invest
        重复投票。:    multiple voting
        重复投入:    overlapping investment
        重复投送:    double delivery
        步进重复投影:    step and repeat projection
        分步重复投影:    dsw
        重复投票制度:    repeated ballot system
        复投诉信:    replies to complaints
        复投准备:    preparation for again drop
        回复投诉:    responding to complaints
        往复投掷:    bandy
        重复:    1.repeat; duplicate; reduplicate; iterate 他把那个词重复了几遍。 he repeated the word several times.2.repetition; reiteration; gemination; rerun; duplication; replication; palin-; pali- 避免不必要的重复 avoid needless duplication; 经过无数次的重复 after numerous repetitions; 任何历史现象都不会是简单的重复。 no historical phenomenon is a mere repetition of the past
        复投影面投影:    double plane projection
        回复投诉电话:    i answer complains on the phone
        回复投诉信件:    lesson letters of adjustment
        双重投票,复投票。:    plural vote
        投资:    1.(投放资金) invest 投资于工业 invest in industrial enterprises2.(投入的资金) investment; money invested 基本建设投资 investment in capital construction; 削减投资 cut back investment; 非生产性投资 investment in nonproductive project; 国家投资 state investment; 收回本厂投资 recoup the plant's capital outlay; 投资包干 investment lump-sum contracting; 投资保证 investment guarantee; 投资边际效率 marginal efficiency of investment; 投资场所 outlet for investment; 投资成本 capitalized cost; 投资额 amount of capital invested; 投资方案 investment priorities; 投资方向 investment along proper lines; investment orientation; methods of investments; 投资费 investment cost; 投资公司 investment company; 投资股份 capital investment shares; 投资管理 management of investment; 投资规模 scale of investment; 投资环境 investment environment; investment climate; 投资回收 returns on investment; recoup the sum invested; 投资回收率 rate of return on investment (投资利润率); 投资基金 investment funds; 投资机会 investment opportunity; 投资计划 investment plan; 投资价值 investment value; value of each contribution; 投资净额 net investment; 投资净收益 net investment income; 投资决策 investment decision; 投资率 rate of investment; 投资气候 investment climate; 投资洽谈会 investment symposium; 投资市场 investment market; 投资收益 income from investment; income on investment; 投资收益率 return on investment; 投资税收减让 tax incentives for; 投资限额 size of investment; 投资效益 returns on investment; investment result; benefit of investment; investment returns; 投资信贷 investment credit; 投资信托公司 investment trust; investment company; 投资信用 investment credit; 投资银行 investment bank; 投资银行业 investment banking; 投资债券 investment bond; 投资者 investor; 投资中心 investment center; 投资资本 invested capital; venture capital; 投资总规模 volume of total investment; 投资总量 aggregate investment
        重复我重复:    repeati repeat
        重复性;重复率:    repetitiveness
        dna重复:    dna reiteration
        (媒体)重复:    duplication
        报告;重复:    rpt report;repeat
        并重复:    erase files from root and repeat chkdsk
        肠重复:    duplication of the gut


  1. "重复同样的局面"英文
  2. "重复投票。"英文
  3. "重复投票制度"英文
  4. "重复投入"英文
  5. "重复投送"英文
  6. "重复图像"英文
  7. "重复图样"英文
  8. "重复脱氧核糖核酸"英文
  9. "重复脱氧核糖核酸序列"英文
  10. "重复脱氧核糖梭酸顺序"英文


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