While we retain the virtue of chinese management , we also employ the best from western management in our company . we care about developing strong bonds among our 27 , 000 - strong workforce and providing development opportunities . at the same time , we encourage life - long learning and have established various award schemes to recognize excellent performance . 同时,集团揉合西方重制度的管理模式,与重人情味的中国家庭概念,除了给予员工优厚的福利,提供发展机会,更十分重视与27 , 000名员工建立深厚感情,亦不断鼓励他们终身学习,发挥潜力,并设立多个奖项激励及赞扬表现出色的员工。
At first , the paper introduces the modes of china ' s institutional evolution decided by the special " double " system economic structure and the basic characteristics of insurance institutional evolution , educes a preliminary conclusion that china ' s insurance institution was " created " by government 本文首先描述了我国特殊的二重制度结构下的制度变迁方式和保险制度变迁的基本特征,得出了保险制度“国家制造”的初步结论,并建立了保险制度选择的国家效用函数。