Outline of plant resources of mt . yuntai and its comparison with the plant resources of jiuli valley 云台山植物资源概略及其与九里沟比较
You may send it international tendering department , china national technical import corporation , er li gou , xijiao , beijing , china 100044 唐:标书可以寄垤中国北京西郊二里沟中国技术进口公司国际招标部。邮政编码: 100044 。
On the basis of the mineralization features , mineralization controlling factors and integrated signs of looking for mine , i dope four target areas that are xagua , ligou - wan dyke , youhulu dyke - yindong dyke , dashi stove by way of geology and math - geology ways , which will supply warrant for the following work deploy 根据以上成矿特征和成矿控制因素、找矿综合标志,应用地质方法和数学地质方法预测出夏馆、里沟?万人洞沟、油葫芦沟?银洞沟、大石窑4个找矿靶区,对下一步工作部署提供了参考和根据。
里: in; inside沟: channel; ditch; gutter; tren ...希里沟: xiligou里古: ricourt; rigout; rigoux; rigu; satoko里勾外连: stir up trouble within and join with those who are outside里古蒂尼: rigutini里钩: back hook里古拉: rygula里贡多: rigondeaux里古莱: rigoulet里贡蒂尼: rigontini里古罗: rigoureau里贡: rigon