His long white hair standing out behind him, he urged the horse forward with crop and loud cries . 他的长白头发向脑后飞扬着,他手里扬着鞭子,高声呵斥马前行。
Vera 's curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute . 维拉的特异功能引起了在她居住地附近的乌里扬诺夫斯克城的科学研究所的注意。
This is the third year ulyanovsk region has dedicated a day to encouraging couples to produce more babies 这是乌里扬诺夫斯克州第三年实行“造人日”计划。
They live in st petersburg but travelled to ulyanovsk to soak up the atmosphere on wednesday 他们居住在圣彼得堡,周三特意到乌里扬诺夫斯克去感受一下“气氛” 。
We were pleased with this development ; along with many members of congress , the administration had pushed hard for such a step 多布里扬斯基说: “我们同很多国会议员一样对这一进展感到高兴。