

  • recovery mechanism


        采油:    extract oil; oil extraction; ...
        :    gas
        机理:    mechanisation; mechanization ...
        开采油气比:    recovery gas oil ratio
        采油机理:    oil recovery mechanism
        燃用液化石油气机动车:    liquefied petroleum gas-fueled
        采油:    [石油工业] (油井开采) extract oil; oil extraction; oil recovery 气举采油 airlift recovery; 二次采油 secondary recovery; 我们必须找到从页岩中采油的经济方法。 we must find economical methods for extracting oil from shale.; 采油队 oil production crew
        气机:    functinal activities of qi; functional acivities of qi; functional activities of qi; functional activities of the vital energy; functional activities of vital energy; functional activties of vital enegy; functional ativity of qi; qi activity; qi dynamic
        油气:    [材料] oil gas 油气资源 oil and gas resources; 油气形成和分布规律 laws of the genesis and distribution of the oil and gas
        机理:    mechanisation; mechanization; mechanism 分娩机理 [医学] mechanism of labor; 腐蚀机理 corrosion mechanism; 结晶机理 crystallization mechanism
        采油队:    production crew
        采油管:    capital string; flow string; pay string
        采油量:    crude production; oil offtake; oil production; oil withdrawl; petroleum production
        采油区:    oil producing region; production zone
        采油权:    oil rights
        采油史:    oil production history
        采油树:    christmas tree; production tree; xmas-tree
        采油业:    neftepromyslovoe delo
        采油管 采油管柱:    flowstring
        充气机:    aerator; carbonating machine; inflater; inflator
        抽气机:    air exhauster; air extracting pump; air extractor; air pump; air-bleed set; air-ejecting fan; air-extractor; aspirator; deaerator; exhaust blower; exhaust fan; exhaust unit; exhausting machine; suction gas engine; vacuum fan
        吹气机:    air feeder; blower
        大气机:    atmospheric engine
        惰气机:    inert-gas machine
        供气机:    air feeder


  1. "采油量分配"英文
  2. "采油量曲线"英文
  3. "采油模块"英文
  4. "采油末期"英文
  5. "采油平台"英文
  6. "采油区"英文
  7. "采油曲线"英文
  8. "采油权"英文
  9. "采油筛管"英文
  10. "采油设备承造商"英文


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