采样: sampling; take sample工: worker; workman; the working ...采样工具: sampling instrument取样工;采样器: sampler放样工: developer; lineman; linesman; loft man; loftsman; stakeman画样工: liner off取样工: sample catcher; sampleman; sampler采样: sampling; take sample 随意采样 take a random sample; 重复采样 duplicate sampling; 采样检验的结果表明牛奶中的脂肪含量达标。 the results of the sample for the test have shown that the quantity of fatty substance in milk is appropriate to the standard抽样工具, 取样工具: sampling tool抽样工具: sampling tool放样工人: loftsman模样工缩尺: pattern-maker's rule取样工具: sample tool; sampling tool放样工显影剂: developer动脉血取样工具箱: argon gas analyzer加热钢棒取样工: bar burner模样工缩尺 制模尺: pattern-maker'srule取样棍取样工具: bleeding iron鞋底裁剪试样工: sole fitter最低钻样工作量: assessment work采样,抽样: sampling采样,样值: sample采样;取样: sampling采样板: buckboard采样槽: sampling tank