Study on the chemical constituents of buddleja purdomii 甘肃醉鱼草化学成分研究
Hummingbird hawk - moth ( macroglossum stellatarum ) sucks the nectar of a buddleia blossom , monday , sept . 5 , 2005 in a garden in frankfurt , germany 上图为200595 (周一)一只蜂雀? ?天蛾在德国,法兰克福市的花园里吸取醉鱼草花的花蜜。
A hummingbird hawk - moth ( macroglossum stellatarum ) sucks the nectar of a buddleia blossom , monday , sept . 5 , 2005 in a garden in frankfurt , germany 上图为200595 (周一)一只蜂雀? ?天蛾在德国,法兰克福市的花园里吸取醉鱼草花的花蜜。
Abstract : 145 samples of eight plants were collected from lanmuchang and yangjiawan and quantitative analyses were made of the ore - forming elements in the plant ashes . considering the three principles of the plant indicator for mineral exploration , namely certainty , sensitivity and feasibility , this paper evaluates comprehensively the indicating functions of the eight plants , on the basis of some quantitative indexes such as the relation coefficient between plant ash and ore - forming element , concentration coefficient , etc . it also discusses the relationships between the anomaly of plant ashes and the fault zone , alteration zone mineralization zone and orebody , showing the significance of these plants to the prospecting 文摘:在滥木厂和杨家湾铊(汞)矿床(点)对芒箕、南烛、榔榆、大金发藓、蜈蚣草、石松、黄花草、醉鱼草等8种植物取样145件,在提出确定找矿有效指示植物三原则(确定性,敏感性,可行性)的基础上,依据植物灰分与底质成矿元素相关系数、植物灰分富集系数和衬度系数,较全面地分析和评价了8种植物的找矿功能;讨论了其异常的分布与断裂带、蚀变带、矿化带以及工业矿化(矿体)之间的关系,并指出了其找矿意义。