Study on synthetic process of 16 - dehydropregnenolone acetate 妊娠双烯醇酮醋酸酯的合成工艺研究
Pregnanolone effects on the blood pressure of stress - induced hypertension in rats 孕烷醇酮对应激性高血压大鼠血压的影响
Three are natural hormones - - estradiol , progesterone and testosterone - - and three are synthetic hormones - - zeranol ( an estrogen ) , trenbolone acetate ( a steroid with androgen effects ) and melengestrol acetate ( a progestin ) , the study authors said 三种是天然激素雌二醇,孕酮和睾酮,三种是合成激素折仑诺(一种雌激素) ,醋酸去甲雄三烯醇酮(一种有雄激素作用的类固醇)和醋酸美仑孕酮(一种黄体酮) ,研究人员说。