醇: mellow wine; good wine alcoh ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...乙醇: alcohol; ethanol; ethylalcoh ...乙醇的: alcoholic; aleoholic醇的: alcoholic; aleoholic; spirituous含有乙醇的: alcoholic乙醇的代谢率: emr; ethanol metabolic rate乙醇的汽油溶液: gasohol成醇的: alcoholic醇的酯: alcohol ester芳醇的: mellow含醇的: alcoholic烯醇的: enolic醇的类固醇: alcohlic steroid醇的磷酸脂: alcohol phosphate; aleohol phosphate醇的磷酸酯: alcohol phosphate非类固醇的: nonsteroidal含薄荷醇的: mentholated肌醇的测定: milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children-determination of inositol未加甲醇的: unmethylated香醇的酒: mellow wine fruit etc浓缩果汁中乙醇的测定方法: method for determination of alcohol in concentrated fruit juices成熟的, 醇的, 熟练的: mellow胆固醇的合成: cholesterol synthesis芳醇的雪梨酒: bristol cream