- enzymotherapy
- 酶: enzyme; ferment
- 疗法: therapeutics; therapy; treat ...
- 胃蛋白酶疗法: pepsinotherapy
- 疗法: therapeutics; therapy; treatment; therapia; therapeusis; iatreusis; iateria; receipt 顺势疗法 homepathy; 按摩疗法 chiropraxis; 新针疗法 new acupuncture therapy; 放射疗法 radio therapy; 作业疗法 occupational therapy; 化学疗法 chemotherapy; 针灸疗法 acupuncture therapy; 疗法失当 malpractice; malpraxis
- 60co疗法: cobalt-60 therapy therapy with cobalt-60; therapy with cobalt-60