In the tetraploid, pseudogamous species rubus nitidioides, haskall selected two plants . Haskall在四倍体、具假配子的种光悬钩子中选了二个植株。
Scientists must either adapt the culture to produce more gametes or develop some other way to grow them in quantity . 科学家们如果不去改进这种培养基以便生产更多的配子,就要研究另外大量生长配子的方法。
Germ cell any cell in a cell lineage that eventually produces gametes 生殖细胞:是生物体所有细胞中最终能产生配子的细胞。
Hybrid sterility the reduced ability of some hybrids to produce viable gametes 杂种不育性:某些杂种产生可育配子的能力下降的现象。