Almost all colours can be matched by mixing only three coloured lights . 几乎所有的彩色都能由三种基本彩色光相混而配出。
Some monochromatic yellows may be matched by the simultaneous arrival at the retina of red and green lights . 有几种单色黄光可以由同时射达视网膜上的红光和绿光来配出。
If you re using multiple heaps , pay special attention to the amount of memory that is initially committed 如果使用多个堆,特别注意开始时分配出的内存量。
For applications to use occupied niches , the allocation time varies subject to the availability of niches in the applicants preferred columbaria 若市民向食环署申请已配出的壁龛,轮候编配时间需视乎申请人选择的灵灰安置所内可供编配的旧壁龛数目而定。
Between its third and ninth month , the female zebrafish can pump out hundreds of eggs every other week . therefore all the drugs tested can be on the embryos of the same gene background 利用本实验室配出的特殊变种鱼透明鱼脑神经退化鱼,可迅速有效地筛选治疗心血管及脑神经退化之药物。
配: join in marriage出: used as a complement文件分配出错: allocation error less than size adjusted按医师单方配出的药酒: drug store whisky连带产品销售, 搭配出售: joint product offer文件分配出错,调整长度: allocation error less than size adjusted配处方: make up a prescription配齿轮: selective gear配处方上的药: to fill the prescriptions配成杂种: mix配川: haikawa配成一套: complete the set配穿长靴的宽脚口裤子: bootscut flared jeans配成一双, 结成夫妇: make a pair配船: allocation; distribution of ships配成一对: pair up...