No photos rain , jung ji hoon , born on the 25th of june 1982 is a well known actor and singer in south korea . . rain uses his stage name bi , when he performs as a singer and dancer Rain s coming世界巡演中国首站上海演唱会,现今的亚洲歌坛若是论号召力超人气国际巨星,那就非韩国新天王rain郑智薰莫属了。
After the 1st album , he starred in the drama " sangdoo hakyo gaja sangdoo let s go to school " ; many people were impressed by his acting skills regardless that it was his first time acting in a drama Rain s coming世界巡演中国首站上海演唱会,现今的亚洲歌坛若是论号召力超人气国际巨星,那就非韩国新天王rain郑智薰莫属了。