邻近: near; close to; adjacent to色: colour近色: [摄影学] advancing colour nearside接近色: advancing color; advancing colour邻近: nearclose toadjacent to大约、邻近: in the neighborhood of附近, 邻近: neighborhood附近,邻近: vicinity隔壁;邻近: next door to邻近的: abutting; adjacent; contiguous; immediate; neighboring; neighborly; neighbouring; proximal; proximate; vicinal邻近点: neighbor point邻近端: approach end邻近位: juxtaposition邻近星: near stars邻近性: propinquity邻近值: neighboring value商邻近: quotient proximity细邻近: fine proximity在邻近: in the vicinity of初等邻近: elementary proximity非邻近国: non-adjacent state非邻近同化: distance assimilation附近,邻近,接近: vicinity跟日本邻近: in the east our country adjoins korea and is close to japan接触,邻近的: contiguous