邮政: postal service affairs of a ...条码: bar code生成: create; generate; produce器: implement; utensil; ware技术条件: technical conditions; techni ...代码生成器: code generation; zap爆炸物销毁器技术条件: specification for disruptor氦氖激光器技术条件: hene laser specificationn脉冲信号发生器技术条件: the specifications of pulse signal generators纤维光学环行器技术条件: technical requirements for fiber optic circulators菜单代码生成器: excel vba改变时间码生成器: timecode generator change混合编码生成器: mix of code generators交叉代码生成器: cross code generator组件代码生成器: component code generator船用柴油机涡轮增压器技术条件: the technical specifications of turbochargers used for marine diesel engines船用油水界面探测器技术条件: marine oilwater interface detector specificationn电动汽车用电机及其控制器技术条件: general specification of the electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles镀锡薄钢板圆形罐头容器技术条件: technical specifications of round tinplate container for canned foodss平板型太阳集热器技术条件: specification for flat plate solar collectors平面二次包络环面蜗杆减速器技术条件: planar double-enveloping worm gearing reducer technical specification型单模光纤光缆活动连接器技术条件: requirements specification of single -mode optical fiber and cable connector:type st/pc型单模光纤活动连接器技术条件: technical condition of the type of mu single-mode optical fiber connector自动控制钠离子交换器技术条件: specification for automatic sodium ion exchange water treatment equipment自动控制压力蒸汽灭菌器技术条件: specifications for automated autoclave sterilizer