邮局: post office柜台: counter; bar职员: office worker; staff member; ...柜台职员: counter clerk银行柜台职员: counter clerk(银行,邮局柜台上的)铁栅: grille前台职员: front desk clerk邮局职员: postal worker/postal clerk邮局职员用语: expressions used by a postal clerk邮局职员和顾客: speakers postal clerk and customer; speakers:postal clerk and customer邮局职员与顾客: post clerk and customer邮局职员的其他用语: other expressions used by a postal clerk邮局职员向顾客打招呼: a postal clerk greets a customer邮局: post office 机场邮局 airport post office柜台: counter; bar 玻璃柜台 show case; 站柜台 serve behind the counter; 特[廉]价柜台 bargain counter; 付帐柜台 check-out counter; 珠宝柜台 jewelry counter; 柜台游戏 counter game要求邮局职员办理基本业务: basic requests to a postal clerk职员: office worker; staff member; functionary 学校的教职员 the teaching staff of a school邮局的: postoffice; postal在邮局: at a post office; at the post offiee; atthepostoffice; br /unit twenty-four at the post office; in the post office; unit twenty-four at the post office长柜台: lunch counter大柜台: yls helpdesk柜台板: countersample柜台面: countertop柜台药: otc站柜台: serve as a shop assistant; serve behind the counter