那: a surname是: Semantics万恶: extremely evil; absolutely v ...中的: hit the target; hit the mark ...最: most; best; worst; first; ve ...恶: dislike; hate; loathe; disgu ...钱是万恶之源: money is the root of all evil打牌是万恶之源: no.cards are the devil's books金钱是万恶之源: money is the root of all evil懒惰是万恶之源: diligence redeems stupidity那是万万不行的: that’s absolutely out of the question游手好闲是万恶之源: an idle youth a needy age当然那是万万不可能的: of course it's absolutely impossible. hundred million万恶: extremely evil; absolutely vicious; diabolic 万恶滔天 a myriad evils mount to heaven; 万恶之源 the source of all evil; the root of all evil; 万恶不赦 unpardonably vicious中的最佳: surface structure expressions中的最痛: praise斗牛中的最后一剑: moment of truth峰值中的最大值: peak peak绝对值中的最小值: minimization of the sum of absolute value一年中的最后一天: the last day of the year最小中的最大效用: minimax utility那是: thats; that’s = that is; which那是我孤寂中的无上喜乐: which is the bliss of solitude厌恶中国的: sino-tibetan; sinophobe本例中的最大扭矩为150: ttq