那时: at that time; then; in those ...节: joint; knob; node我们: we常: ordinary; common; normal去游泳: go for a swim; go swimming去游泳: go for a bathe; go for a swim; going swimming; take a dip; to go swimming梅西去游泳: maisy goes swimming去游泳、去洗澡: take a dip一起去游泳: go swimming together那时候我们常常出去挖野菜: in those days we often went to dig for wild vegetables我们常见面: we see quite a lot of each other我们常说: a bus company a shipping company a publishing company我们常说的: palming那时节她才十二岁: she was only twelve then和我一起去游泳: go swimming with me你昨天去游泳了吗: did you go swimming yesterday他去游泳俱乐部: he goes to a swimming club她执意要去游泳: she insists on going to swim我们常说的“翻腕”: palming我们常常说苦难: we often said the disaster我们常向他们请教: we often ask them for advice我们常向外商询价: can you give me an indication of price常去: repair; resort时节: 1.(节令;季节) season 移植苗木的适当时节 the proper season for transplanting; 春耕时节 the season for spring ploughing ; 清明时节 at or around the qing ming festival; 开花时节 the season of flowers; 现在正是狩猎的好时节 . it is just the season for shooting now.2.(时候) time 那时节我们常去游泳. at that time we used to go swimming. 那时节她才十二岁. she was only twelve then我们将不再出去游逛: so well go no more a-roving