

发音:   用"遗传率"造句
  • inheritability ratio


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  1. For the general heritability , maternal and cytoplasm heritabilities were the main components for palmitic , oleic and linolenic acids contents
  2. Bmd is a quantitative trait determined by genetic and environmental factors , with heritability estimates ranging from 50 % to 90 %
    骨密度是一种由多基因和环境因素共同决定的复杂性状,它有很强的遗传决定,其遗传率高达50 ? 90 。
  3. We performed familial correlation and complex segregation analyses ( class d regressive model ) for body mass index in a chinese sample composed of 401 nuclear families , with 1 , 260 total individuals
    本文通过对中国人群中体重指数的家系关联分析和复杂分离分析( d回归模型)来决定中国人群中体重指数的遗传率以及遗传模式。样本由401个核心家庭共1 , 260个个体组成。


        遗传:    heredity; hereditary; inheri ...
        :    rate; ratio; proportion
        遗传率,遗传力:    heritability
        孤遗传率:    lone heritability
        广义遗传率:    broad heritability; wild sense heritability
        免疫遗传率:    immunogenicity ratio
        狭义遗传率:    narrow heribatility; narrow heritability; narrow sense heritability
        遗传率系数:    coefficient of heritability
        低个体遗传率:    low individual heritability
        地方病遗传率:    rate of hereditary endemics
        获得性遗传率:    gain heritability
        回归增益遗传率:    regression gain heritability
        遗传:    [生物学] heredity; hereditary; inheritance; inherit 交叉遗传 crisscross inheritance; 神经病遗传 neuropathic heredity; 遗传下来 hand down by heredity; 有些病是遗传的结果。 some diseases are present by heredity. 这种病遗传吗? is this disease hereditary?; 遗传变异 hereditary variation; 遗传病 hereditary disease; genopathy; syntrophus; heredopathia; 遗传工程(学) genetic engineering; 遗传密码 genetic code; 遗传免疫 inherent immunity; inherited immunity; 遗传生态学 genecology; 遗传特征 hereditary feature; heredity; 遗传信息 genetic information; genetic code; 遗传因子 gene; gen; determiner; genetic factor
        遗传,遗传性:    heredity
        遗传的遗传:    genetic inheritance
        副遗传:    paraheredity
        假遗传:    paraheredity
        拟遗传:    paragenetic; pseudoheredity
        龋遗传:    caries heredity
        使遗传:    propagate
        外遗传:    epigenetics
        性遗传:    sex inheritance
        遗传,继承:    inheritance
        遗传比:    genetic ratio
        遗传病:    a hereditary disease; genetic disease; genetic disorders; heredopathia; heritable disease; inherited diseases



  1. "遗传连续性"英文
  2. "遗传列病学"英文
  3. "遗传邻域面积"英文
  4. "遗传瘤"英文
  5. "遗传流行病学"英文
  6. "遗传率,遗传力"英文
  7. "遗传率系数"英文
  8. "遗传论"英文
  9. "遗传论者"英文
  10. "遗传码"英文


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