Ministers have promised a national road - pricing system to help ease the problem , but it is a decade away at least 大臣们承诺通过全国性的道路收费系统来缓解这一问题,不过这至少是十年以后的事了。
Sourced from leading manufacturers around the world , the equipment includes vehicle access control systems , electronic parking meters , pay - and - display machines , traffic surveillance systems , electronic toll collection and electronic road pricing systems 此系列的设施包括车场闸口控制系统电子泊车收费表凭票泊车机交通监察系统汽车自动收费和电子道路收费系统等。
Indeed , erp can only be contemplated for the cbd when the cwb is in place as the government study on erp in 2001 and overseas experience re - affirmed the importance of an alternative route as an integral part of any erp scheme 政府在2001年就电子道路收费系统所作的研究及海外的经验均一再证明,无论采用何种电子道路收费计划,都必须增建一条可作替代的道路供车辆选用。
A feasibility study on electronic road pricing ( erp ) began in march 1997 , examining the various related technology options . field evaluation of two selected technology options was conducted to confirm their suitability and reliability for application in hong kong 有关电子道路收费的可行性研究已于一九九七年三月展开,以便研究推行电子道路收费系统的需要及可行性,以及各项相关的技术选择。