It ' s safer to walk on the sidewalk rather than the road 走人行道比走在马路上安全多了。
It is better than i expected 赛道比我想想中的要好。
In manually controlled applications , the dispatcher decides which transmitter site to use for reply by issuing a transmit select signal to the proper site voter module 在人工控制应用中,发信机通过将发射机选择信号发送到适当的信道比选模块上来决定使用哪一台发射机进行应答。
Because it does not use network communication , the ipc channel is much faster than the http and tcp channels , but it can only be used for communication between application domains on the same physical computer 由于不使用网络通信, ipc信道比http和tcp信道快得多,但它只能用在同一物理计算机上的应用程序域之间进行通信。
This control cabinet can control every point temperature in the hot runner , and keep a plastic flow at an optimum condition so that it is possible to avoid such defects as hollow and contraction cavity from lacking in supply , and to save materials and labor and reduce production costs at the same time . compared with ordinary , such hot runner will shorten the time of mould removal , carry out full - automatic ordinary , such hot runner will shorten the time of mould removal , carry out full automatic operation more easily , reduce the distance of mould - opening and the stroke of mould - closing 使用本控制柜能精确控制流道中各点温度,使塑料流动达到最佳状态,这样能克服制件因补料不足而产生凹陷,缩孔等缺陷,同时节省了材料和人力,降低生产成本,与普通流道比脱模周期短,易实现全自动操作,可以缩短开模距与合模行程,缩短成型周期,可以成型较长制品。