Long ago , the scandinavian vikings sailed up the same river daugava that today runs through riga to get to constantinople 许久以前,斯堪的纳维亚海盗扬帆上溯今天流经里加城的同一条道加瓦河,去到君士坦丁堡。
Then this place was important as a strategically convenient location in the estuary of the daugava big waterway , amidst the ancient route from vikings to greeks also called the amber way 其后这一地方的重要性,就体现在战略上它处在道加瓦河大水路出海口上的较便捷的位置,位居古代“从斯堪的纳维亚到希腊”之路(亦称琥珀路) 。
Daugava river separates city in two parts : on the right bank of the river one can see eldest part of the city vecriga old riga , which is surrounded by the ring of boulevards , but the left bank is occupied by other part of the city called pardaugava 道加瓦河将城市一分为二:河的右岸可以见到由环形林荫大道围绕的城市最古老的部分老里加( vecriga ) ,但左岸占据着城市的另一部分,超道加瓦( pardaugava ) 。