

[ biàndìkāihuā ] 发音:   "遍地开花"的汉语解释   用"遍地开花"造句
  • blossom everywhere; be a mass of flowers; be blooming everwhere (throughout the country); flourish everywhere; flowers are blossoming everywhere.; spring up all over the place
  • 钢花遍地开:    sparks of molten steel
  • 红花遍地开:    red flowers everywhere
  • 露地开花性:    open field flowering
  • 八月桂花遍地开:    dj rainman remix; the laure blossom opers all over the place in august
  • 遍地:    everywhere; all around 野花遍地。 the country is covered with wild flowers.; wild flowers blossom everywhere


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  1. Boys and girls come and go with ever - changing tactics
  2. Tourism is all over the west
  3. Like i said , many systems administrators would love to see cgi fall off the face of the earth
  4. Then will all the earth be your fatherland , and all your work and effort spread forth blessings
  5. As a result , neighbourhood car parks have suddenly started blossoming across the country like cherry trees


        钢花遍地开:    sparks of molten steel
        红花遍地开:    red flowers everywhere
        露地开花性:    open field flowering
        八月桂花遍地开:    dj rainman remix; the laure blossom opers all over the place in august
        遍地:    everywhere; all around 野花遍地。 the country is covered with wild flowers.; wild flowers blossom everywhere
        开花:    1.(花蕾开放; 比喻心里高兴或脸露笑容) flower; bloom; blossom; be in flower; come into flower 心里乐开了花 burst with joy; feel elated; 樱桃树开始开花了。 the cherry-trees began to put forth their blossoms. 今年李子树不开花。 there is no blossom this year on the plum trees.2.(裂开; 炸开) explode 手榴弹在敌人头上开花。 the hand-grenade exploded right over the enemy.; 开花弹 bullet; fragmentation bomb; 开花阶段 flowering phase; 开花期 anthesis; blowth; inflorescence; bloom; blooming period; efflorescence; [植物学] florescene; 开花受粉 chasmogamous; 开花受精 chasmogamy; 开花诱导 flower induction; 开花炸弹 scatter-bomb; 开花植物 bloomer
        遍地金:    elodea-like st. john wort herb
        普遍地:    at large; catholically; currently; generally; rifely; universally
        开花期,开花:    anthesis
        地开石:    dickite; dikite; pholerite
        哀声遍地:    the sound of mourning filled the whole earth
        遍地车辙:    rutty
        遍地车辙的:    rutty
        遍地火光:    flames scorched the earth far and wide
        遍地皆是:    wall to wall
        遍地锦装鳖:    steamed turtle with sheep lard
        遍地精光:    the whole place was cleaned out
        遍地寻衅:    go around with a chip on one's shoulder
        遍地灾黎:    famine-stricken people are found everywhere
        遍地战火:    the flames of war raged across the land
        弹痕遍地:    shells pit the earth
        烽烟遍地:    a beacon fire is found everywhere -- in time of trouble
        古迹遍地:    numerous historical sites and a wealth of cultural relics
        霜华遍地:    the flowers of frost covered the earth
        遍地小石的山的斜坡:    scree
        遍地皆是, 多得很:    thick on the ground


        遍地开花的法语:(se dit des nouveautés)pousser de toutes part
        遍地开花的日语:〈成〉至る所で花がぱっと咲きだす.(事業が)至る所ではなばなしく発展する.(ある種の思想などが)至る所で急に高まる.望ましい現象が至る所で現れる. 轻工业遍地开花/軽工業が至る所ですばらしい発展ぶりを見せている.
        遍地开花的韩语:【성어】 온 땅에 꽃이 피다; 좋은 일이 도처에서 일어나다. 사업이 곳곳마다 눈부시게 발전하다.
        遍地开花的俄语:pinyin:biàndìkāihuā повсюду расцветают цветы (обр. в знач.: повсеместный расцвет, общий подъём)
        遍地开花什么意思:biàn dì kāi huā 【解释】比喻好的事物到处涌现或普遍发展。 【示例】~闹,冲天干劲传。粮棉大增产,煤铁倍加权。(董必武《祝贺建国十周年》) 【拼音码】bdkh 【灯谜面】锦州 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;比喻好的事物到处涌现 【英文】blossom everywhere


  1. "遍地皆是"英文
  2. "遍地皆是, 多得很"英文
  3. "遍地金"英文
  4. "遍地锦装鳖"英文
  5. "遍地精光"英文
  6. "遍地小石的山的斜坡"英文
  7. "遍地寻衅"英文
  8. "遍地灾黎"英文
  9. "遍地战火"英文
  10. "遍多酸"英文


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