逼: compel; force; drive; threat ...性: nature; character; dispositi ...副: assistant花色: design and colour开: open; turn on; switch on; be ...埃珂2副花色开叫: acol two-bid4副花色开叫: four of a suit opening6副花色开叫: six of a suit opening逼叫性开叫: demand bid花色开叫: opening suit bid; suit opening bid对方3副花色开叫时的防守叫牌措施: defense to opening three bid对方4副花色开叫时的防守叫牌措施: defense to opening four-bid逼叫性新花色应叫: forcing take-out对花色开叫的无将应叫: no trump responses to suit openings逼叫性不叫: forcing pass逼叫性加叫: forcing raise逼叫性再叫: foring rebid非逼叫性加叫: ronf逼叫性叫牌进程: forcing sequences非逼叫性叫牌进程: non-forcing sequences多效逼叫性高花加叫法: conglomerate major raises2开叫体系: two-club system阿伯特2开叫: albert two clubs蓝第花2开叫: blue team two diamonds罗马2开叫: roman two diamonds