The logical definition of the irrational number is rather sophisticated . 无理数的逻辑主义是颇有些不自然的。
On logicism in critical thinking teaching 论批判性思维教学中的逻辑主义
Many mental trends and expressions of children such as the theory of aim , panpsychism , realism , and so on , are all derived from egocetrim 儿童的目的论、人为主义、泛灵论、实在论、原逻辑主义等精神倾向,都堪称是对于自我中心主义的直接演示或曲折反映。
Poincare ' s criticism on " the expected reason " , justification for the existence of mathematical object and opposition to the postulate of real infinite provide the developmental approach for the intuitionism in philosophy of mathematics 摘要彭加勒对逻辑主义“预期理由”的批判,对数学对象存在性的辩护和对实无穷假设的反对,都为数学哲学中直觉主义学派的发展开辟了道路。
Western historiography originates from its metaphysical academic tradition and logicism while chinese non - logicism or historicism make comments according to certain affairs and focuses on narrating , verifying and understanding , which is strikingly different from western historiography , which seeks for the study of fixed knowledge 西方史学之富有理论源于其形而上学的学术传统与逻辑(实质)主义的运思理路,而汉语文思考的非逻辑主义(或曰历史主义)使其不离事而言理,即体用不二,道器合一,史学重在述事、征实与会通,这与西方史学追求确定性知识的探究形成鲜明对照。